Thank you to everyone who participated in the Garden State Water Safety Summit 2.0. What an amazing and inspiring turnout! This community has so much to offer each other and New Jersey. We are proud to have contributed to this progress.
More than 100 attendees attended Summit 2.0 from across New Jersey. Participants included Marine Police, beach lifeguards, Municipalities, Hospitals, County Health officials, Swim School owners, and (as Judith likes to say) even a mermaid. Together, we have the power to create lasting change, and your commitment to this cause is inspiring and essential.
We were honored to host panelists who helped focus the room on our mission and strategies for change. Founder and past president Coach Chuck Warner delivered an update on New Jersey’s Drowning Burden. You can find the CDC statistics he summarized and the 2024 information NJSSA gathered from media reports here. Henry Cortacans, New Jersey State EMS Planner, presented his career in aquatics and his approach to training lifeguards and reminded everyone of the consequences of getting this work right. These presentations, although heartbreaking, are to be used as a tool in our work. A tool to keep our alliance motivated for change and inspired to make a difference wherever and whenever we can.
Assemblywoman Collazos-Gill, Assemblyman Inganamort, and Assemblyman Kean discussed their outlook on State Legislation and the water safety bills they are pushing for. Trooper Nigel Ferreira from NJSP Marine Services Bureau discussed his successful efforts to pass new regulations mandating winter PDF wear. The legislation panel discussed ways the NJSSA community can effectively push for meaningful legislation and contribute to the conversation. You can do this by contacting your representatives through NJSSA’s online form, but panelists discussed the importance of following these bills through their legislative path. The NJSSA board was inspired to create action alerts that our members can utilize to communicate with Committee Chairs and other key legislators at key moments.
New Jersey Water Safety Strategy
The next part of our day focused on writing the New Jersey Water Safety Strategy. Our breakout sessions included a deep dive into the six lanes of the soon-to-be-completed New Jersey Water Safety Strategy. NJSSA experts Judith Leblein Josephs and Chuck Warner distilled these lanes from the thousands of ideas generated at the first Garden State Water Safety Summit. Attendees at 2.0 engaged in the breakout sessions, where they shared insights, exchanged ideas, and worked collaboratively on strategies that will help us build a safer New Jersey. These conversations helped to actualize priorities for saving lives.
We were also thrilled by the networking opportunities throughout the event, where connections were made and partnerships forged. These relationships will drive our collective success and become the building blocks of New Jersey’s Water Safety Strategy. Your energy, expertise, and dedication are the foundation of this critical movement.
Award Winners and Gratitude
Finally, we cannot begin to express our gratitude to so many speakers, sponsors, partners, supporters, and award winners. Please take a moment to review the incredible list of individuals and organizations that made this event possible. Check out the Photo Gallery of 2.0
Again, Thank you for your support and for joining us in this crucial effort to ensure a safer future for all who live, work, and play in New Jersey’s waters.